Saturday, April 26, 2008

My sweet MinneSnowda Cruiser

Can't go a week without my bike and since it costs $160 roundtrip I decided to bring my wheel instead. Now after 20 minutes of light work I present my new loaner mobile.

The Blue Hypotenuse or Mini-Apples for short

Sure it has its quarks, like an ugly handle bar, hideous brakes, and no toe clips, but I am still confident that this bad boy will make my week that much better...


Jonathan Steinberg said...

can't go even a week huh, McFixie? we might have enough people for an all out gang now...that is, if you ride with geared people.

APV said...

Gotta correct you on this one 'cause I'm a neurotic ass..


The word you meant to use is quirk:

Aside from the douchery of correcting people, I think bringing the wheel only was a stroke of genius. Really the wheel is the true soul of teh fixie.