Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good Times

Things are going well for me. Yesterday Darrien and myself got a private tour of Crumlin Road Gaol, a jail that has been derelict since 1996 but once housed many of "The Troubles" criminals. Among those we were touring with were a few people who were actual residents of the jail at one time! It was really interesting because we were one of the last tour groups allowed a tour and were invited by some loyalists friends we have met. Afterwards we were given a private loyalist tour of Shankill road and murals and then headed back to their bar, (keep in mind it is about 1pm) Rex Bar and were were bought round after round... you know how that goes! And we ended up by 8pm sauced, given a bottle of Black Bush Whiskey and invited for a dinner on Monday!

The day before, i was down in the lobby on my comp editing pictures when all of a sudden Bridget McLoone came down! Seriously that is the second time that we ran into each other in the most random places. Apperantly she goes on tours of Ireland every weekend and this weekend she stayed in my same hostel. We were not able to schedule a time to hangout while I was in Galway so these random coincidences are very nice! Off to the pub we went with a few of our friends and had a grand ol time... I would post some pics but they are on her camera...

Here are a few more shots from Holy Trinity Boxing club.

I followed the Holy Trinity ABC boxing club to the Dockers club for the weigh in for Tuesday nights fight . Before each match, boxers must be weighed and checked out by a doctor. Coach Michael Hawkins believes that his club has a very good chance of coming out on top. In total 5 fighters from his club will be boxing Tuesday. More photos to come.

1 comment:

BrettZiegler said...

Nice Mr. McLoone! Good Work, good work; keep it up. Are you going to fight any of them? Then you could have two awsome videos on YouTube; one of you dance da dancing and one of you getting your butt kicked! Have fun at dinner with the loyalists!